Catching the Vision Post it Notes: Concerns

Catching the Vision Post-It Notes: Concerns

At Catching the Vision (13/10/13) we all were asked to write our concerns for Bingley on a Post-It note and stick it to the board.
Here are the results.



Less drunkenness on Friday nights.

Drunken behaviour late at night.

Drunken youths on an evening.


Fragmented leadership (by accident, not intent).


If the residents don't get themselves together the town could die.

Involve young people. organised activities and sports.

Expand scouts.

Bring people back to Bingley.presently there is nothing to draw people in.

Regeneration of outdoor market to attract more stalls and more customers.

Let's make Bingley so attractive that Sainsbury's want to come.we can do it all without them.also lack of organisation

and direction locally.too many people live in Bingley but go elsewhere to work, shop and enjoy.

Christ put first.


The gradual decline of the town.

Concern for the desolate and forgotten.

Fear of a sliding to decline.

There are pockets of deprivation and things are going to get worse for the poorest in our community.

Concerned about isolation of some families, the unacknowledged, the vulnerable and deprivation of families.

The perceived wealth of Bingley.

The lack of job opportunities.

Individuals lacking vision for the future.

It will become a ghost town.

It will die.

The future of its children.

Crime statistics.

Ageing population.

Uncertain economic future  (Bradford and Bingley building).

Concerned that the bypass came too late to save the small traders.

My concern for Bingley is where is the hub for the young people? How do we actively engage them? How do we reach out to them – not just middle class kids?

That the decline already of Bingley will spread to more of a social issue.

Crime and apathy.

Town centre becoming economically unviable which may cause the town to lose its heart.


Small businesses perhaps struggling.

High shop rents.

The leakage of people shopping.

Degeneration of the town centre and retail trade.

I'm not greatly concerned.I think it is a very good place with plenty for all ages. Eight few more upmarket shops would

be appreciated, but on the whole it is a good place to be – being handy to get to the city (Bradford).


Empty buildings

Empty shops.

The empty shops.

Empty shops.

Empty buildings.

Empty shops.

Empty shops.

Empty shops.

Empty shops.

Empty shops.

Empty shops and buildings, especially in the main street.

Shops closing.

Empty premises.

Shops closing.

Too many empty and charity shops.

Most concerned about failing market and empty shops.

Lack of use of market.

Losing the Market.

The town market

the market

the dying market.

Viability of market.

Worried that the market isn't being supported.

Bingley is a market town.we need to ensure the market stays in Bingley.

Market and diminishing

Keep the open market going.

The market.

The future of the market.

The marketplace

The empty Market Square.

Death of markets.

Failing market.

Deteriorating buildings in the centre.



Declining trade, empty shops and buildings, especially Bradford and Bingley building society.


Sty Lane development.this must be stopped.

Greenhill development at Micklethwaite.

Inappropriate building on our green fields.

Development on greenfield sites.


Bradford and Bingley building

Bradford and Bingley building that's run down.

Bradford and Bingley building.

Bradford and Bingley building society building.

Eyesores such as the Bradford and Bingley building.

Old Bradford and Bingley building needs redeveloping.

Bradford and Bingley building.

Get rid of the Bradford and Bingley building society building and hopefully get in right commercial will

Bradford and Bingley building.

Bradford and Bingley building society going to rack and ruin.

The dilapidated state of the former B and B building society and the lack of development by Sainsbury's.

Inaction at the building society.

Bradford and Bingley building society is an eyesore.

Ugly empty Bradford and Bingley building society

The Bradford and Bingley building.

Sainsburys! Put up or ship out.

Big eyesore of the Bradford and Bingley building society building.change of direction and evaluation. rather grey and

intimidating for the town centre.

Bradford and Bingley building which something needs to be done and pretty quickly.a matter of urgent prayer.

Sainsburys plans.

Bradford and Bingley Building.

Bradford and Bingley building.

Bradford and Bingley building society.hope something happens soon.

Get rid of that dreadful Bradford and Bingley building.

Decrepit Bradford and Bingley building.

The appalling state of the old building society.

The eyesore of the Bradford and Bingley building society.

State of former building society.


Sainsburys! When? Give them a date to start or else! 

Very concerned about the dreadful eyesore – Bradford and Bingley building.

Station masters house is an eye sore.

The amount of closed down businesses and its image.

Neglect of our surroundings.


Hometown since age of Nine – Bingley is very important to me and close to my heart. I want it to thrive.

That everyone is pinning their hopes on Sainsbury's.

The Five Rise CENTRE is a great aspect that will hopefully prosper.


The identity of the town will diminish further

That many people under 40 are too busy to become motivated in helping Bingley to regenerate.

The identity of Bingley will be lost.

That the town centre is allowed to die in order that it becomes subsumed by Shipley, Keighley and Bradford.

It may be forgotten by the council. 

Bingley should be more than just Saturday nights out.

That it becomes swallowed up by Bradford and loses its identity. The philosophy needs to be "small is beautiful".

Bingley retains its unique position.

That we just become part of the Bradford over spill.

That Bingley doesn't lose its identity.

Not to lose identity.

My concern is that Bingley keeps its identity, that it has support from Bradford in MDC.

Being forgot about and merged in with the Keighley and Bradford.

Bingley seen as a suburb of Bradford.

As a small town Bingley is marginalised.

As part of Bradford met really seem to lose out.

My concern for Bingley is that it loses its identity and becomes just a suburb of the moment it is still a

town in its own right and I value this.

That it will lose its identity, devoured by Bradford's might.


Need for local facilities.

More quality shops open.

Market stays open.

We need more market stalls.

That our voices are heard

We need a supermarket to bring the shoppers back to Bingley.

A need for better community spirit – everyone working together for the good of all.

More community activities to bring people together.

To increase trade in Bingley

Revitalise the town centre.

We need a decent supermarket.

To draw visitors to enjoy our facilities and to expand these facilities.

Not many workers picking litter up.

Live and continue the work as Bingley was a well-run town not a suburb or subsidiary of the BMDC.

Pursuit of excellence.

Passion to make things excellent.


Lack of shops due to high rent.

Lack of investment

Shortage of school places within walking distance of home due to growing population.

Shopping – need the shops to be occupied in the centre.

Lack of retail choices.we have to go elsewhere.

Closure of shops.lack of community spirit.  C/f somewhere like Otley.

Not enough provision for our non-sporty young people.

The lack of small shops.

The lack of positive provision for young people.

Lack of a good supermarket.

Lack of shops.

Lack of residents parking in the Charles Street area.

Lack of community because of empty shops.

Lack of development.

Young people wanting facilities on an evening.

Parking – lack of people who don't want to Pay.


Places closing down – shops swimming baths etc.

Stop the closure of the swimming pool

Swimming pool

Swimming pool: saving the swimming pool.

The swimming pool.

Rescue of swimming pool.

The swimming pool.

Swimming pool.

Closure of swimming pool.

Closure of bingley Swimming pool.

Swimming pool closure.

Closure of the swimming pool and youth centre.

Swimming pool under threat.

Closing of swimming pool.

Stop closures and Bingley Pool.

Swimming pool.

Closure of the swimming pool.

Lack of facilities. The closure of the swimming baths.

The swimming pool.

Closure of Bingley swimming pool.

Loss of Baths.

Closure of Bingley Baths.

Bingley baths: if it had not been there I would not have learned to swim (age 67) for the benefit of my health. I would

not have trudged to Shipley or Keighley.

Pool closure.

Swimming pool.

Loss of SportsCenter and swimming pool.

Closure of useful public resources such as pool, police stations, library etc.

Pool/library staying open.

The loss of small local shops.

Loss of market.

Loss of green fields.


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