Stations of the Cross


In this precursor to Holy Week, we will walk with our Lord all the way to the Cross.
In what seems like futile powerlessness, we behold the power of God.

  • In his stumbling, we see our own stumblings.
  • As he falls, we are confronted by our own fallenness.
  • When he is derided and mocked, we listen as a passive onlooker.
  • And as he hangs on the Cross, we hang our head in shame of a world that rejected the Saviour of the world and of the creature that nailed the Creator.

And in the briefest of moments, when Christ raises his head, we catch his gaze and in that moment, we know we are known by the Crucified, we glimpse eternity and we are touched by grace.

"Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all."

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday March 21st-23rd 2016 at 7pm


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